Guidelines for Authors

«Polifonie» welcomes contributions in Italian and in English. All articles are published in both languages; the editorial staff makes arrangements for the translation. Submitted manuscripts must be previously unpublished and not under review elsewhere. The standard article length is 5,000-10,000 words, including footnotes and other supplementary materials.

Articles should be sent via email to

Rights and responsibilities

By submitting their manuscript to Polifonie, the Authors commit to publishing them in the Journal and take responsibility for their content. Such content will be evaluated according to the standard criteria of originality and accuracy cursomarily accepted by scholarly journals. Authors are expected to accurately identify their primary and secondary sources, in line with the Editorial Guidelines available on this web page: [??? URL]

Authors are entitled to a timely peer-review process (usually completed within three months from the date of submission). Translation costs are covered by the Journal. For all other aspects of the Author-Editor relationship, consult the COPE Guidelines [??? inserire link come sopra]


License terms

The journal is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0), with the seal “Approved for Free Cultural Works”. This license, by which the authors retain the copyright, allows anyone to download the journal contents and to share and reuse them under copyright law, provided that appropriate credit is given along with a link to the license, and that any textual adjustments are clearly marked.


Since 2023 Polifonie is included in the DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals. Each published article is identified by a unique DOI code – Digital Object Identifier.


Future updates

The editorial policies and the code of ethical conduct of the Journal are subject to periodic revision, in line with COPE Guidelines.